Souper Bowl of Caring 2020
Junior Optimist had their Souper Bowl of Caring Food Drive today, Super Bowl Sunday. The Junior Optimist Club of Coronado would like to thank all those who donated to help this collection be a great success! Coronado Times Article souperbowlofcaring.org A Junior...
Eagle Scout Candidate Jack Schiaffino
Jack Schiaffino, accompanied by his parents, came to share his completed Eagle Scout project at NASNI. He thanked the Optimist Club of Coronado for helping him with expenses of the project. Congratulations, Jack, on a job well...
Optimists support an AED at Bradley Field
Coronado Police Det. Brian Wray stepped up to receive a check from Optimist President Jim Zoll for help in purchasing an AED for the Vernetti Baseball little league...
SouperBowl of Caring 2017
Octagon Club had their SouperBowl of Caring Food Drive on February 5th…SuperBowl Sunday. A total of 1,450 cans of food were collected from generous donors around Coronado. The Octagon Club of Coronado would like to thank all those who donated to help this...