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What Is Optimist International?
Bringing Out the Best in Kids
Optimist International is an association of more than 2,900 Optimist Clubs around the world dedicated to “Bringing Out the Best in Kids.” Adult volunteers join Optimist Clubs to conduct positive service projects in their communities aimed at providing a helping hand to youth. With their upbeat attitude, Optimist Club members help empower young people to be the best that they can be.
Each Optimist Club determines the needs of the young people in its community and conducts programs to meet those needs. Every year, Optimists conduct 65,000 service projects and serve well over six million young people.
Sports - Coronado High School
- Beach Volleyball
- Boys Baseball (S)
- Boys Basketball (W)
- Girls Basketball (W)
- Cheer Squad
- Coronado Skateboard Club
- Football Boosters (F)
- Boys Golf (S)
- Girls Golf (F)
- Boys Lacrosse (S)
- Girls Lacrosse (S)
- Rugby
- Sailing(F)
- Boys Soccer (W)
- Girls Soccer (W)
- Girls Softball (S)
- Swimming & Diving
- Boys Tennis (S)
- Girls Tennis (F)
- Boys/Girls Track/Field (S)
- Boys/Girls Cross Country (F)
- Boys Volleyball (S)
- Girls Volleyball (F)
- Boys Water Polo (F)
- Girls Water Polo (W)
Sports - Coronado Middle School
- Athletic/PE Department
- Surf Club
Coronado Junior Optimist and Octagon Clubs
- JOI Convention
- Junior Optimist Club (CMS)
- Octagon Club (CHS)
Academic Programs
- Christ Church School
- CHS Mock Trial Team
- CHS Robotics
- CHS Scholarships
- CMS 6th Grade Camp
- CMS Robotics
- Coronado SAFE – Applebee Pond
- Coronado Teen Library
- Essay Contest
- Everyone a Reader (Silver Strand)
- Everyone a Reader (Village)
- Lambs Players
- Oratorical Contest
- Sacred Heart School
- United Through Reading
- Youth Achievement Awards
Service & Leadership
- Boy Scout Troop 801
- Boy Scout Troop 806
- Cub Scout Pack 122
- Eagle/Gold Scouts
- Girl Scouts
Community Activities
- Camp Able
- Camp Surf
- Christmas Parade
- Coronado Little League
- Easter Eggstravaganza
- Flower Show Gate Volunteers
- Fourth of July Parade
- Halloween Happening
- Highway Cleanup
- Iron Man (Superfrog/SuperSEAL)
- Thanksgiving Movie