Well, here we are at the end of an Optimist Year. There will be much to discuss at the Christmas party tonight. Cocktails at 5 and dinner served up at 6. Brenda promises great fun and fellowship–Lord knows that our world is in need of fellowship and humor. Andy Hendrickson will provide the humor. Al Aegerter and his band of merry men with have the music. The rest of us will be the Spirits of Christmas Present.
We had a fine prayer from Brenda Kracht, and a Jim (Zoll or Jamison) started the pledge.
President Dennis told us of other times that tried men’s souls–in particular, Valley Forge in 1777.
More about the New Year–There will be a Last Supper of 2019 at the VFW Hall on New Years eve from four to six. Bring a dish or a donation for the Optimist Foundation.
And the hard charging JOI clubs sold all the stuff you left in Erin Downey’s front yard on Saturday. With the sale of Bill Parry’s refrigerator complete, the net was $461 for the effort against childhood cancer. BZ
The latest goldenrod Handbook and Directory is out. Pick up your copy on Jan 2 which will be our next meeting date.
Now what in the world is going on here? Past President John Bowen, Incumbent President Dennis Dorman, and SAFE President Georgia Ferrell are giving us a demonstration of turtles. John hasn’t quite got his head where it ought to be. But you get the idea.

Here are Dennis, Lauren, and Georgia taking a big check from us so they can teach the turtle to little kids. It is a way that children can learn to respond when facing strong feelings. Sort of like a time out.
Georgia told us all about the SAFE programs helping parents to learn new skills to become more effective in raising their children. SAFE works in the schools to make our very fluid student population a more friendly community for the new student.
The sixth grade Drug Prevention Program has been institued to show children the downside of involvement with drugs.
All this made possible by you Optimists!