STEP Program
Charlie Ahern lead us off with a prayer of thanksgiving for our gathering and fellowship and Jean Radcliffe started off the Pledge of Allegiance
GUESTS: We had one guest and one party crasher this morning. Tony Tervainen was our guest and speaker. The party crasher was ex-member Julie Ruth who came to return a support check that the club had given to the CHS Skateboarding Club that was never able to be utilized. Thanks Julie for following through.
Lawn Bowling: The second practice session for the upcoming match with the Rotarians is next Tuesday 5-7 PM. We had only six people at the first practice and we need some more folks to make a good showing. The match is on Nov 2. It’s a fun day. All the pizza and beer you can drink (well maybe not all). The cost for the refreshments is just $5. So a real deal. Don’t miss it. Contact is Bill Carinder
We need volunteers for several on going activities. Sign up sheets are going around
Morning Greeters- Contact Brenda Kracht at or find the signup sheet at the next meeting.
Strand Clean Up- Stand Clean Up is this Saturday 8:00 AM at the Amphib Base and Navy Housing. Contact Ted Krohne for details or just show up if you already know the drill. Ted’s email is
Prayer Leaders; Contact Charlie Ahren at or find the signup sheet at the next meeting
Our speaker today was Tony Tervainen the CEO and Founder of the STEP Program. Tony gave us a good overview of the financial challenges faced by junior enlisted personnel and STEP’s approach to helping them, especially in time of crisis.
The Challenge
- 3 out of 5 Americans live paycheck to paycheck and don’t even have $400 saved for emergencies
- more than 70% don’t have $1000 saved
- 200,000 people join the military every year
- Enlisted personnel make up 82% of the Armed Forces
- Upon enlistment most service members are single but are twice as likely to be married by age 25 than civilian counterparts
- Due to frequent change of duty stations enlisted families must adapt constantly to changing cost of livings and the spouse unemployment rate is 16% (four times higher than civilians)
- 60% of junior enlisted service members’ salaries are considered to be low income by HUD
- Most junior enlisted personnel have little experience and training in management of their financial affairs
- 12000 service personnel per year loose some basic necessity due to financial crisis
STEPs ROLE (Mission)
“Support The Enlisted Project (STEP) builds financial self-sufficiency among junior active duty enlisted service members and recently discharged enlisted Veterans and their families in Southern California facing financial crisis through counseling, education and grants.”
STEPs Approach
There are two principal components, personalized financial counseling and when necessary financial grants for the preservation of basic needs. STEP case managers are trained in social work ( specifically Crisis Theory and Solution Focused Approach) They work with clients to identify strengths and weaknesses that have brought them success in the past, but also brought them to the point of financial crisis. Based on this and the assessment of the specific financial crisis they develop specific real time solutions. This approach generally boils down to:
- Interview on the clients specific financial goals
- Creating a plan (budget)
- Debt reduction program
- Taking control over their own situation
one half of clients complete the program without the need for a financial grant
STEP is effective in changing financial behaviors with 92% of clients not returning for a second grant under the program
The program continues with follow up calls as 20, 60 and 90 days post intervention
88% of clients report in follow up sessions that they have been successful in reaching one or more of their goals set during intervention.
Thanks Tony for coming today and sharing you very worthwhile program helping young enlisted personnel with their financial planning needs.
- Bill Parry bragged about how much he admired John Watson’s Midway Docent shirts
- Cynthia bragged about her article in Life by Design Magazine
- Doug Grossmann bragged about our first responders and how they handled his daughter’s recent surfing accident.
- Bill Carinder bragged about his new grandson
We had five anniversaries this week. Bill Carinder, 5 years sponsor Mike Lafferty; Matt Smith, 1year, sponsor Jennifer Landry; Floyd Humphreys 6 years sponsored by Dennis Dorman; Chris Cervantes 9 years, sponsored by Carla Fargo, Tom Catlin 2 years sponsored by Mark Blumenthal.
We had two birthdays, Mike Lavin from Evanston Illinois and Lynz Arendsee from Coronado California.