As members trickled in this morning, President Rob welcomed everyone and led us in prayer. Right on cue, Lyman Green led us in the pledge. Rob read a great quote from Hugh Downs. By my count we had 20 in attendance. “A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.”


NOTE – President’s Email is
1.     Board of Directors will meet this Monday, October 19th at Coronado Golf Course boardroom. 2020-21 Budget will be discussed. Contact Rob if you would like to speak to the Board.
2.    This week’s social get together will be this  Saturday BRUNCH from 10:00 – 11:30 AM at MIGUELS COCINA (1351 Orange). Reservations not required, but helpful. It’s is first come – first serve. Contact Rob ASAP.
3.    President Rob needs volunteers to reach out to members who can’t make meetings or events. Only a few have volunteered so far. Contact Rob if you have a few moments to spare.
4.   I anyone lost a pair of grey glasses or a mask at the installation dinner, contact Rob or Dennis.
5.    Jim Cooper continues to improve. He is still at Sharp Hillcrest Hospital. His son can give details. Jack Larison is struggling a bit with medical issues. Keep him in your thoughts.


Jim Jamison told us about Octoberfest in a BOX on October 24th. Order today at Pick up is in the alley behind the VFW hall. For $20 you’ll get brats, kraut and beer. For $25 they will deliver. Sara Silverman announced the Junior Women’s Club is having their Covid version of Taste of Coronado. They are selling $20 coupons that entitle you 20% off all day on October 20 at many participating venues. Buy them on line at Just for the heck of it Sara picked Mark Blumenthal’s name out of a hat and he wins a free coupon. It’s good for 2 people.


Shannon Patel bragged on Charlie Ahern, who is now a Coronado Hospital Foundation Board member. He will join her on the membership committee.
Cynthia Kosciuczyk wanted to recognize and thank Kirk Henry for the many times he shuttled her to and from meetings when she was without a car. Would we expect any less of Kirk? I think not.


October 18 John Downey was born in Pottsville, PA


October 18 Erin Downey celebrates 6 years; sponsor was Laura Lynn Meek. October 18 Karl Mueller celebrates 6 yrs, sponsored by Lee Pontes. And get ready for it – on October 17 Buck Rogers celebrates 46 years. He was sponsored by Lew Hardy.


No dings today but he is ready to ding Karl Mueller, our speaker next week. He did announce that Bill Parry made a new collection plate. He went retro, recreating the old bedpan with horn. Carla Fargo shared that Jim Cooper stepped up to be fine collector in 2007 when she was Internal VP. Way to go Jim!


Who was the Coronado mayor BEFORE Mayor Dorman (Dennis Dorman’s dad) and who was the Mayor after Mayor Dorman?

Let’s review how to play: At our weekly 7:30 ZOOM meeting, 2020-2021 President Rob will announce a topic and ask a trivia question. The trivia question will also go on the Green Sheet. You earn points three ways:
(a) 1 point for answering within four hours of the meeting;
(b) 1 point for answering within 24 hours of the Green Sheet being posted;
(c) 1 point for getting the correct answer. So, max 3 points per question.

Participation is optional but strongly encouraged. In the words of our President Rob “Barker” … come on down. All questions go to Rob at above email.

To answer: send an email to or send a text message to 619.347.1559. Please do not blurt out the answer at the meeting (give everyone a chance at fair play). At the end of the month, I will count up points. If you have the most points, you get a gift card. If there is a tie, a random draw will determine the winner.
I will try to keep track of total points throughout the year for end-of-the-year prizes, but no promises there.Topics will include OCC, Coronado, movies, sports, history and entertainment. You can submit suggestions for topics and questions directly to Rob.

NEXT WEEK’S SPEAKER is CUSC Superintendent KARL MUELLER. The topic will be “getting back to school.”


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