Coronado Housing Challenge

GUEST SPEAKER – Mayor Richard Bailey
- Every eight years the state does a reassessment of the state wide housing requirements (RHNA) and then allocates the new state housing requirements to each of 8 MPOs.
- Coronado is part of an MPO managed by SANDAG (normally a transportation planning and execution office) During this reassessment SANDAG was allocated 170,000 new units by the state.
- SANDAG, as was its prerogative asked each of the cities (19) in the county administered by SANDAG to develop a bottoms up estimate of housing requirements with each city participating in this process. This estimate was 120,000. Too many but still much less than the original state allocation.
- The SANDAG board was initially going to vote to submit the bottoms up number (120,000) to the state, but as a result of a lot of special interest lobbying, the Board reversed their decision and agreed to the original state allocation.
- SANDAG came up with a methodology for distributing the allocation for 170,000 new units amongst the 19 cities involved. This methodology was based on proximity to Public Transit and proximity to jobs. It did not include consideration of land available (Coronado has only 2.2 square miles of usable land) or the existing housing density. Coronado is already one of the most dense cities in the county. This methodology resulted in assigning Coronado with the requirement to come up with a plan to add 1000 new units to the city.
- During the 60 day comment period the citizens of Coronado flooded the SANDAG Board with over 2500 letters protesting the new unit requirement for our city.
- Before the final vote there were three different proposal for a change in the methodology proposed. One by National City and Imperial beach would have increased Coronado’s allocation to 1500 units. One by Solano Beach and Coronado for a small city adjustment would have lowered Coronado’s allocation to 450 units and the third was to continue with the current methodology, which was how the SANDAG board voted in the end.
- The path forward: Coronado has 18 months to update our housing plan to allow for 1000 new units to be built. Although best efforts will be made to accomplish this it is unlikely that it will be possible without causing conflict and/or legal action between numerous interested parties, such as the Navy, The Coastal Commission, the residents of Coronado, Potential developers, etc etc.
- There are other strategies at work including an effort to convince the state and SANDAG to allow 800 new units planned to be built on the base to count towards our building requirement. The logic being its the jobs on the base that are driving up our new unit requirement number.
- So bottom line, this is a long way from being settled.
- Joanie told a story about a trip with her first husband to Lake Tahoe 16 years ago today and the picture they took which turned out to be their last together. However she met Dick 5 years later on a dating web site and they have been married ten years.
- Irish bragged about what a fine, honest and intelligent person our current acting Director of National Intelligence, Joe McGuire and Coronado resident is.
- Our Ding Master got surprised to day when he questioned one of our new members Shannon Pavill about why she had not identified herself as an Optimist on her LinkedIn page. Turns out she had. Oh well you can’t win them all.
We had two anniversaries this week. Brendan Farley 6 years, sponsor John Bowen and Jim Alley 25 years, sponsor Stu Powell.
We had four birthdays this week. Joanie Madouse from Fresno CA, Kirk Henry from Meridian MS, Dana Cavanaugh from Spokane WA and Jim Cooper from Marshalltown Iowa.
$Opportunity Drawings$
Next Week’s Speaker
Lawn Bowling: The annual match with our friendly Rotarians is scheduled for November 2. There was a sign up sheet going around today, but if you missed it, please contact Bill Carinder . He’s our Captain again his year.
Coronado Business Roundtable Speaker will be David Davenport. Mr. Davenport is a past President of Pepperdine University, is a current research fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford Univ. and author of several books. One “How Public Policy Became War” will be the subject of tomorrows talk
Diana our retiring District Governor presented John Bowen with a District pin for bringing in so many new members in this centennial year and a gift for Teresa Leighty for being such a big help as District Treasurer.
Avenue of Heroes induction of 16 new members at CHS at 10:30.