It was a full meeting of 47 members and five guests, Tom Gorey, Shannon Pavell and Mo Gooch!…two with applications in their hands…come next week for the induction of two new members.
I think the bell rang, but with all the commotion we stood for a prayer from Sherri Aegerter who asked for blessing for the first day of school especially the new teen drivers. The pledge was lead by Superintendent Karl Mueller—it really is the first day of school.
Renee could not make eggs and bacon this week, but dropped off a police staple DONUTS and coffee to kick off our morning.
President Elect Dennis was roaming the room collecting volunteers for position on his board and within our Optimist club for his coming year. Your green sheet editor, Bob Sheridan wants to his quill and enjoy the weekly meetings. Second fiddle to Bob, George Kunburger has been having some help issues and will not be making it back to Coronado as often, so your current editor would LOVE a back up editor…it is easy and fun.
Yes, it has been two years in the making. John Bowen did his research about the effects of mobile phones on kids learning. With that said, he found and presented a solution to CUSD. Door sleeve for cell phones to be placed in as the students enter classrooms. The district welcomed the idea and Optimist Club of Coronado has kicked the program off with a check for $649.50 to purchase cell phone sleeves. Thanks John for all your work and support to CUSD kids and staff.
If you missed this week’s meeting, you missed a lot. Letter to follow in additional green sheet from Jennifer Landry and her amazing report to the club about our JOI kids adventure to OI convention not just this year, but a recap of the past 8 years she has been our JOI liaison and district JOI Chairperson. Please thank her when you see her for all the work she has done and will continue to do for our kids.
Birthdays: Justin Meek August 31st…Brendan Farley, Linda and her twin, Gooch and CMS Principal Karen Mellina. John Watson celebrated an anniversary of 10 years with the club.
Medical report: George Kunberger suffered a mishap with his shoulder and needed surgery-he return visit to Nado from PA will be sometime in the fall.
Lawn Bowling is back ! Game is set for October date TBD….we have a ringer with Parry’s wife…Cheese Lady Sarah..but she said we need to practice to beat those darn ROTARIANS! Practice dates also TBD.
Super Frog is coming up on September 15th at 0600 to 1300 hours…
sign up with Irish Flynn: we will assist at SR75 and Rainbow and inside the VIP Tent.
CALSO District convention is coming up and we will be swearing in Governor Elect Jim Zoll and kicking out current Governor Diana Drummey…she is ready to retire. Attached is the registration for the weekend. Come meet your fellow district Optimists and hear several speakers and some team building training.
BRAGS AND DINGS: Bragging on Pop Warner coach story, City and CUSD for Ave of Heroes, CUSD staff for first day of school-DING Brad, Irish, NOT MUELLER, and Bowen.
Ave of Heroes: Next banner presentation November 2 at 1030 at CUSD.
Finally, our guest speaker Councilman Donovan graced our meeting for the second time and knew he was at the Optimist meeting not the Lions’ meeting.
Donovan shared the lastest regarding the relinquishment of SR 75 and SR 282 from CALSTRANS to the C OF C. The council has been researching this relinquishment for several years to determine costs, liabilities, condition of the roads, and maintance costs. Along with the report from CALTRANS, the city hired two separate firms to do additional investigation, which is now ready to come to the council for review and discussion.
Then there is the housing allowance requirements from the state. The state does a review of all cities re: affordable housing needs in each city. The state took into account the military families that are only in Nado temporarily. After some discussion and debate, the city got the committee to bring the original number of house needed from 1800 to 1000…meetings will continue as the city feels US Navy housing should be taken into consideration also.
Big consideration that state does no see is that the city is only 2.5 miles the rest belongs to the military…an increase of houses would overwhelm the building height and density of the city. MORE to come!

Throwback Thursday
(Left) Teresa Leighty induction when we were at the Yacht Club
(Right) President Leslie and Councilman to be Bill Sandke!