The Middle School Fav Students, Track, Robotics
The Room was full of young folks, parents, and finally Optimists.
John Bowen had orchestrated another of our special days to celebrate the youth of Coronado, and we also had on hand school activities leaders to take home our Big Checks. But first President Fargo hit the bell, Irish Flynn gave us prayer, and Karl Mueller led the pledge.
At the top left we see Coach George Green and four of his champion league track folk taking home a check for $500. The athletes are all bound for college track teams. Nick Dunn, Madden Hundley, Teresa Perez, and Sofia van Arsdale all hold school records and have been participating in invitational meets.
Coach Green said that the money we donate is used to help fund their travel. George thanked us for our help with the meets, and drew our applause for his long 25 years as his coaching career winds down with a fine team. In the picture over to the right Don Crawford hands a check for $795 to CMS Principal Karin Mellina and Coach Todd Thielman who thanked us for funding among other items a Lap Tracker that lets the kids log the miles and miles that they run. No more pencil notes on a bulletin board. Finally, Jack Miller, next year’s president of the Robotics Club takes a check for $400 from Lee Cargill and President Carla. Jack told us that this year’s robot stacked plates and climbed a wall because, well, why not? Yeh!
The Coronado Middle School Student Achievement Awards were next up. We had a glowing introduction by John Bowen to cap off this third week of the Awards. Counselor Mike Crooker, Assistant Principal Brooke Falar, and Principal Karin Mellina told us all about these wonderful young people. The students were all chosen by their peers which make the award very special.Sixth graders Salma Ali and Jack Harvey were introduced by Mike Crooker. She loves dance, tennis, and is pleased to have given the speech at her elementary school graduation. This your lady wants to be a general surgeon. Jack Harvey is in advanced band, has a black belt and is into robotics. Jack want to become a cyberwarrior in the Navy.
Brooke Falar presented 7th grader Susana Pate who is a lover of softball. Susana has earned academic prizes and was awarded a special rank in the Safety Patrol. She hopes to play Division One Softball in college. Her classmate Wyatt Riebe is a Boy Scout who wants to be an eagle. After he lives a great life as a Navy pilot he would like to discover a new land species.Karin Mollina said that she loves the time that 8th grader Olivia Karnas spends in her office. Oliva is very active in Junior Optimist International as the Treasurer. She is also the local President. Olivia has a optimistic goal of empowering others. And she has a wonderful smile. Classmate Ryan Kennedy has been to school all over the country and all over the world. He loves water polo and works hard at it above his grade level. He hopes to go to the Naval Academy and fly Navy aircraft.
We sent all these youngsters back to school with blessings and smiles for them and for Mike, Brooke, and Karin as well as Matt Smith and Kevin Perez who are advisors for the Junior Optimists. Just look at all those happy faces of the youngsters and their proud parents in the picture below.
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