$$$$ Giving Away The Cash $$$$
Your board of directors voted to support more teams at our high school. We gave $400 to the Boys’ Volleyball team, $500 to the Track and Field Team, and $795 to the Athletic Department.
Also given away were 45 optimist dollars to Joannie Madouse for guessing the right number in our 50-50.
Matt Jordan is filling out the watch squad for the Flower Show Security. Email Matt at to get on the list. Those already on the list should receive an email concerning duties, uniforms and the like soon.
More on the flower show–Our own Sara Stillman is the Chairman of the BLOOM BASH. As page 20 of your Eagle & Journal says on Saturday, April 13, after the show closes, a big party will start with food, drink, and music from 6:30 on. Sara Stillman is in charge so you know it will be fun. Reservations can be made at
Eggstravaganza at the Rec Center takes place on April 20. Irish needs a couple more folks to lend a hand. The event runs from 12:45 until 3:30.
This Saturday we take to the Silver Strand for what could be called a poor man’s FOD Walkdown. If you’ve never picked up trash and want to see what your fellow citizens leave behind, show up at the Southern end pf the Amphib Base or down at the entrance to Navy Housing at 8 AM. We should be done by nine.
Thanks to George Kunberger for writing the newsletter for the past few weeks. George and Diane got tired of the rain and went back to Philadelphia, home of the Eagles.
We received a note from Paul Demke reporting that he has been diagnosed wtth hypertrophic cardiomyopathy which is keeping him away from us, and running, and tennis. He hopes to be back in a couple of months. Keep Paul and Fab in your prayers.
Cynthia announces a search for authors in a worthy cause
Mike Lavin’s son finished the LA Marathon in great time. Roy and Kathleen Mantz celebrate 69 years of wedded bliss. Doug Grossmann’s picture was on the front page of our newspaper with his team of Boy Scouts–a proud group he led to the completion of his Eagle Scout Project.
Anniversaries and Birthdays
Anniversaries Lyndsey Arendsee sponsored by Queen Carla
Birthdays Richard Owens USA, Bob Sheridan USN, Evan Piritz USN