This morning Charlie Ahern gave us a beautiful prayer asking God’s blessing on our youth. Don Crawford lead of the pledge of Allegiance.
$$$$ Giving Away The Cash $$$$
The CHS Boys Tennis Team along with Coach Mackenzie and their liaison Sheryl Sylvester, were in to give us a briefing on this years season and to receive a $400 donation from the Optimists.
Cole, Sofia and Isabel, members of the CHS Octagon Club were in, along with Erin Downey their liaison, to thank the club for our support (Financial and Time). Highlights were:
- $1000 raised at the yard sale, proceeds going to St Walters to help support Cancer research
- Friend to Friend shoe collection to support the homeless in San Diego
- Dr. Seuss Day and collecting 200 books that were donated to the Linsey School for Pregnant Teens.
We had numerous guests today. Our new Chief of Police Chief Kaye (also the guest speaker. Dr. Joe had Don Richmond (ex Navy and Eastern pilot) in as a guest today, and Carla had Dave Hobby as a guest.
$$$ Opportunity Drawings $$$
Jim Cooper won $52 in the opportunity drawing this week.
DINGS: The only ding today was Christian Esquevin. Not exactly sure what the Ding Master was thinking on this one.
Erin bragged about the great job done by Irish organizing support for this years Super Seal completion, an about the support she gets from Dianna and Cynthia, baby sitting her dogs while she travels.
Christian Esquevin (our returning prodigal member), bragged about being on the Coronado Island Film Festival committee. They are always looking for volunteers.
Buck Rogers bragged about Roy Mantz getting Roy’s son to attend Buck’s 95 birthday party in his place. Roy was home taking care of Kathleen. Buck also talked about his love for the Optimist Creed and Motto and that we needed to continue to help and support our youth without trying to live their lives for them.
Optimist Club Happy Hour: The next club Happy Hour will held at the VFW Hall at 5:30 PM today. Ya’ll come now, OK!
Coronado Flower Show: Several volunteers are still needed for this years show. Please contact Matt Jordan if you can help.
Coronado Round Table: This weeks speaker will be VADM (Ret.) Charles Martoglio, who will speak on the rising partnership between China and Russia and its impact on the US.
Diana Drummey was a guest on Illuminate last Saturday. Illuminate is a financial variety show hosted by Jon Harris, LPL Financial.
Super Seal: Irish reported that there were many Optimist who came out to support this years event and thanked each one by name. He also reported that they were joined by and enthusiastic group of kids from the girls softball team in San Marcos.
San Diego Fleet: San Diego’s new professional football team. Contact Mark Blumenthal for tickets to this Sunday’s game.

Guest Speaker
This weeks speaker was our new Chief of Police, Chief Kaye. I’m sure Chief Kaye will be a wonderful Chief, but if it doesn’t work out, he could probably go on the comedy club circuit.
The Chief told us a little about why he became a cop. It all started with his dad making him lie about his age on his first job application as a bus boy. His dad’s influence continued when he told the Chief he wasn’t moving home after he graduated from SDSU and he ended up being recruited by the SD Police Department at a job Fair. He then told us about how he met Cheech and Chong’s cousin during his first motor vehicle stop after become a cop. As a matter of fact, that love of meeting people, takes the Chief still out on patrol even today. So if you ever see the police lights in your rear view mirror, don’t be nervous, it probably just the Chief stopping you to say Howdy.
More seriously the new Chief is bringing in some new ideas to help the department continuously improve the service they provide to the community. One example is a new CAD system which will help the department be more accountable and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of patrols. The Chief also spoke about active engagement in the community, as being critical to the over all success of the department and the service they provide the community. Examples include, participation in school events, support of SAFE, support of at risk kids.
The Chief also noted that Coronado has many visitors who may come from other parts of the county. Some times these visitors are up to no good. While community service is an important part of the mission of the CPD, they are also more than capable, and do, provide protection against crime in the city. The Chief noted that the CPD is strongly supported by other law enforcement in San Diego, who would quickly respond, with the CPD, to any large and serious event that might happen on the island.
The Chief did bring our attention to two pieces of legislation up for consideration. One, Bill 83921 sponsored by the ACLU and the second SPD 230. Each of these bills will impact an officers decision on how and when to use force in the discharge of their duties. The Chief just asked that we research these bills and take any support action we feel is appropriate.
Bottom line the city of Coronado has a great new Chief and we certainly want to say Howdy to Chief Kaye.
Anniversaries and Birthdays
We had two anniversaries this week. Dick Madouse 17 years sponsor Buck Rogers and Jack Couture 38 years sponsor Stu Powell.
We had two birthdays, Bret Gary from Santa Monic Ca and Marta Radcliffe from San Diego CA.