Our guest speaker today was our own Optimist, Tom Catlin.  Tom works at Fox5 Sports now but has had a career that has taken him across the country and back.

Tom started his television career interviewing our own SD Padre Tony Gwynn. Tony’s best day at bat was a home run at Yankee Stadium in game 1 of the World Series Padres vs Yankees.

Tom career made a move to the Boston Red Soxs and was lucky to be a part of the staff when the team won the World Series in 2004. Tom brought in his World Series ring to share.

Tom, back on the west coast, interviewed Tommy LaSorda who shared how he got into the game of baseball. Shagging balls sent over a prison wall which landed in a cemetery. Tom said Tommy was wonderful to his son…taught him how to shake hands, look people in the eyes, to listen and respect your parents.

More interviews with Dick Enberg on how he got into being a sports announcer and the turning point of the Red Sox/Yankee World Series 2004 when Dave Roberts stole second base. Again Tom promises to come back with more baseball stories and history.  We hope so!