We are writing to ask for your support in Sharp Coronado Hospital’s offsite COVID-19 vaccine clinic. As you may know the County of San Diego has authorized Healthcare Workers in Tier 1A to receive vaccine at this time. Sharp Coronado Hospital is now actively working to open an appointment only Tier 1A COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic using the County website appointment system. It is our hope that such efforts will assist in getting the vaccine process moving along. We are urgently in need of physicians, nurses and pharmacists who can assist in vaccinating individuals and in need of additional support to help with registration, greeting, outside monitor and runners to help the team.
Volunteers are needed beginning Wednesday, January 13 from 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. at the Coronado Community Center’s Nautilus Room. The clinic will be open by appointment only for Healthcare Workers – Tier 1A Monday – Friday 10am – 7pm except holidays.
Available shifts for volunteers include:
- Morning: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- Afternoon 2 p.m. – 7 p.m. or
- 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. with a break for lunch (to be provided).
Volunteer roles include:
- Vaccinators: Qualified individuals who can administer the vaccine are attached on the document titled Authorized + Potential Vaccinators. On-site training will be provided.
- Greeter/Door Monitor: 2 needed per shift; ensure guests are wearing mask, keep their social distance and have necessary paperwork to validate their appointment
- Registration: 5 needed per shift; validate guest’s appointment and direct them to vaccinator
- Line Monitor: 1 needed per shift; answer questions and help guests maintain social distance
- Runner: 2 needed per shift; help vaccinators with needs including but not limiting transporting items by car from Community Center to Sharp Coronado Hospital
- Floater: 1 needed per shift; support needs of any volunteers or guests
- Outside Monitor: 2 needed per shift; monitor individuals vaccinated for 15 minutes to ensure there is no allergic reaction
Sharp Coronado is working hard to be part of the County of San Diego effort to vaccinate the greatest number of people who qualify receive the vaccine. We are enthusiastic that this is the first step toward wider vaccine availability for the community.
Volunteers will be compliant with all COVID-19 prevention protocols to the best of our ability including social distancing of 6 feet, wearing a mask and having hand sanitizer available at every volunteer station. If you are uncomfortable or feel your health is at risk in any way, we would ask that you not volunteer.
If you are interested, please contact Shannon Pavell at shannon.pavell@sharp.com or 619-522-3758 with your name, contact information, role of interest and availability.
Thank you for helping us be a part of the solution to the COVID-19 Pandemic. We appreciate your gift of time.
Sharp Coronado Hospital