A nice turnout of 18 enthusiastic Junior Optimists and three Junior Optimist Club Advisors met at the Mission Bay Santa Clara Recreation Center near the Sail Bay area of the Park on January 20, 2018. Junior Optimists representing six California South (CALSO) District Junior Optimist Clubs shared a morning of fun activities led by Immediate Past President of Junior Optimist International, O’Hara Wickham, and current Junior Optimist International Director, and Coronado’s own, Cole Mullins.
The group performed a team oriented, “ice breaker” activity searching the floor for answers to questions posed by the leaders. New friendships were made, and a lot of fun was had by all. The Club Members shared their recent and current Club activities and upcoming plans. The leaders shared news from the CALSO JOI District and Junior Optimist International and upcoming Scholarship Contests, including Essay, Oratorical, and the Reel Optimism Video Contest. A pizza luncheon was enjoyed by all before the teams headed out for the beach cleanup community service project. Books were collected for the inner city school in the CALSO JOI District wide ‘Joy of Reading’ service project. The event was concluded with a clean beach, happy Junior Optimists, and thanks from the Park Ranger for a job well done!