Mar 28, 2012 | Youth Activities, Oratorical Contest
March 28, 2012 – A record number of 14 contestants participated in this year’s Optimist Oratorical Contest. The topic addressed was; “How Optimism Helps Me to Overcome Obstacles”. Student orators were from Coronado Middle School and Sacred Heart Parish School....
Feb 1, 2012 | Youth Activities
The Coronado High School Octagon Club will be kicking off the (Jr. Optimist Octagon International) JOOI of Reading event in February. Their goal is to inspire the community to continue reading for fun! Octagon Club members will take the time throughout the month of...
Jan 19, 2012 | Youth Activities
We had a whole bunch of young guests from the Coronado Middle School Advance Performing Arts who were accompanied by parents and Teacher Linda Coleman. The kids are putting on “Bugsy Malone” in a single performance on Friday, February 17. If the preview...