Jul 27, 2020 | Youth Activities
This week Coronado Optimist JOI Advisor Erin Downey gathered several of Coronado High School Octagon students to make cards for kids at Children’s Hospital. Every two weeks the Octagon JOI kids have been meeting to do a project that benefits Coronado or San...
Jan 22, 2020 | Youth Activities, Oratorical Contest
Ever wonder what it would be like to live with no constraints? No limitations? No frustrations? Coronado school students have an opportunity to muse on these ideas and speak on the theme Just Imagine a World Without Boundaries in the 2020 Coronado Optimists Oratorical...
Feb 5, 2018 | Youth Activities
The CHS Girls Basketball Team came to update us on their season. We give them a check to help with their expenses. It’s always a pleasure to see the youth we support at our...
Jan 21, 2018 | Youth Activities
Coronado’s Junior Optimist Club, sponsored by the Optimist Club of Coronado, participated in group activities and team building with other Junior Optimist clubs from the San Diego/CALSOUTH area. A nice turnout of 18 enthusiastic Junior Optimists and three...
Feb 7, 2017 | Youth Activities, Oratorical Contest
Optimist Club of Coronado to Sponsor Oratorical Contest “To be, or not to be…” famously spoke Hamlet. Local Coronado students can earnestly speak their thoughts on the topic, What the World Gains from Optimism, as participants in the 2017 Optimist International...
Feb 4, 2017 | Youth Activities
CHS Basketball Optimist Night was on Friday, February 3. Optimist Bob Kracht called the game. Optimists came out in good numbers in their goldenrod...