Apr 20, 2015 | Sports Fiesta
Thanks to all who participated in the Optimist Club of Coronado’s 44th annual Sports Fiesta on September 5, 2015. We appreciate your support! Results are posted under the Sports Fiesta tab. Thanks to your participation the Optimist Club will be able to fund many...
Aug 2, 2012 | Sports Fiesta
Another great event was held at Sunset Park on Saturday and Sunday. The 10KRun registered 205 participants, the 1 mile swim was a small but hearty group of 46 swimmers in 60 degree water, and on Sunday, the Triathlon has 129 participants. The Diving...
Jul 29, 2012 | Sports Fiesta
The Optimist Sports Fiesta 2012 was a great success! Results for the 10K Run, the 1-mile Ocean Swim, and the Triathlon are posted...